When you’re single and ready to mingle, the most obvious path to finding your love connection is online matrimonial sites. But if you want to be successful, you need to make sure that all of your best qualities are showing—and not just on the surface level! To find out how to create an online matrimonial profile that will get tons of attention, and how to be sure you don’t fall victim to any of the mistakes common in less-than-perfect matchmaking profiles, keep reading!

1) Include your name, age, and location

Although people don’t want to admit it, we live in a society that is still somewhat judgmental. So, if you aren’t including your first name and age, it might make someone suspicious of why you would leave that information out. If they are considering meeting up with you—and potentially spending time and money on meeting with you—they will want to know who they will be meeting up with. And remember: be honest! This just leaves a bad taste in someone's mouth when they find out you lied about something as simple as your age.

2) Choose an eye-catching main photo

This can be tricky, since you want to showcase your personality but also make sure your appearance looks professional. One way to do both is by using a photo that includes more than just your face. Another approach is to use a professional headshot. The great thing about both of these types of photos is that they show who you are but still look mature and serious enough for someone looking for a match to get in touch with you. As always, ask family and friends for advice if necessary!

3) List who you are looking for in a partner

When creating a matrimonial profile on a top matrimonial site, you’ll want to list exactly who you are looking for in a partner. Of course, many people will have no problem just saying anyone who matches my criteria but that doesn’t provide any helpful information. Instead, list specific traits that matter to you: Do you want someone at least six inches taller than yourself? Are you looking for a vegetarian? Write it down! This helps us know how to attract potential partners who will be perfect for you.


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4) Provide details about yourself

The most important tip for creating a catchy matchmaking profile is to ensure that your profile provides plenty of details about yourself. Write about your past experiences and what type of person you’re looking for in a mate. What makes you happy? What are your personality traits? All of these things play an important role in finding someone that has similar interests, beliefs, and goals as you. For example, if you're an outgoing person who wants someone with lots of friends, then writing about how much you love to travel is going to appeal to people who also love spending time with their friends if you are shy, include that on your profile; let people know that you prefer short conversations and will answer questions at length later. It’s a great way to ease into a conversation, since it gives someone else some insight into who you are from the get-go. Many matchmakers have been doing just that for years.

5) Use catchy headlines that describe you well

One of your first and most important choices when writing a matchmaking profile is creating an attention-grabbing headline. If you fail to capture your reader’s interest, they won’t bother to read your profile. Instead, they’ll move on to someone else’s page, never knowing what they were missing out on. It can be tempting to try and make a joke or something cute in your headline, but unless you're well known for being quirky (and not everyone can be), it's best to stick with something more standard and straightforward. However, avoid clichés at all costs!


Making a great first impression is vital to success in life and business, which is why we've outlined these 5 tips for creating a catchier matrimonial profile. Remember to be honest with yourself when reviewing each of these tips, because ultimately you're looking for what makes you unique. We all have our own strengths and weaknesses, so instead of trying to alter your profile in ways that make you less likeable or more pleasing, highlight everything that makes you authentic and stand out from everyone else who's desperate to find their perfect match. All it takes is some self-reflection and honesty—and a willingness to admit what kind of partner will compliment your best qualities (rather than try to change them.)